Ladder Logic & Motor Controls
In the ladder logic portion of the class, students will learn how to interpret, design, and operate relay control circuits using ladder diagrams. Major topic areas include logic elements, ladder diagrams, electro-pneumatic solenoid valves, relay operation and applications, limit switch operation and applications, time-delay relays and applications, multiple cylinder control, and machine modes of operation. In the motor controls portion, students will cover topics like three-wire start/stop control, reversing magnetic motor starter, and on-delay and off-delay timers that can then be used to practice hands-on skills. As an example, learners will study the function, operation, and types of control relays and then practice hands-on skills by actually connecting and operating a control relay in a circuit. Some of the major components that learners will work with include a control transformer, reversing contactors, manual motor starter, multi-function timer, and control relays. Students will also practice real-world troubleshooting on actual industrial components, including testing an indicator lamp, manual switch, control relay, motor contactor, and overload relay. The class meets for a total of 48 hours of training and is a prerequisite for our Motor Controls II class.
Students taking this course will build on learning from Ladder Logic & Motor Controls I and continue to practice real-world troubleshooting on actual industrial components. Further subjects covered in Motor Controls 2 include motor breaking, reduced voltage starting, variable frequency AC drives, electronic sensors, electronic counter, and SRC speed controls. The class meets for a total of 40 hours of training.